Encryption Notification
The encryption notification issued by the Federal Security Service (FSB – Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti) – is an approval document proving the notification of the State about the use of cryptographic (encryption) technology in a product/device that will be imported to, or exported from county member of the EurAsian Community . This approval is mandatory and is one of the non-tariff regulation measures.
One of the biggest problem that the importer/exporter may experience is not knowing if the item belongs to this category that require this official FSB approval. The list is surprisingly widespread and includes many high-tech devices, such as:
- mobile phones
- computers, tablets, laptops, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, servers with Devices with installed or integrated software that contains a cryptographic algorithms (operating systems, applications, including the transmission of data packets)
- devices using wireless data transfer technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS, GLONASS, GSM, radio technologies
- RFID-tags (Letter of the FCS of Russia from 03.06.2016 number 01-11 / 27111 “On the customs declaration of RFID-tags”)
- many other devices.
The following documents are required for the registration:
- Technical description of the equipment
- Cryptographic protocols or cryptographic algorithm used in the device, as well as key length algorithms;
- Manufacturer’s commercial registration documents (e.g. extract from the trade registry)
- Legalized power of attorney from the manufacturer. For registration of the notification the power of attorney shall be notarially certified and legalized for use in Russian Federation by Apostille in compliance with the Hague Convention (the Apostille Convention)
The duration of the application and receipt of the document is estimated to 10 working days.
We are glad to support you in obtaining of this document. Please fill out our application form.